Benefits of Travelling
Are you perennially bitten by the travel bug? Or are you just a lazy bum who just sits and wonders about your next trip while looking at the Instagram of others? If you are the latter, we have only one piece of advice for you – forget the world and hit the road; the world is waiting for you. Those of you who are ardent globetrotters already know the perks of travelling.
Remember Mark Twain saying, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Well, we will tell about five awesome benefits of travelling that make you want to pack your bags now!
It’s A Slap On The Face Of Stress
Travelling will not only rejuvenate you, it will teach you how to handle stress like no other. Yes, you can chill at home over a bowl of chicken tikka and Netflix, but will you be really way from the world, especially with your phone on? Traveling gives you the break that you really need, albeit the evil of idleness. You get to beat stress by doing something new and doing things that you love – with style.
It’s A World You Cannot Afford To Miss
Travelling gives you a chance to interact with the world – real-time minus the boundaries of social media. Travelling will help you see the world as it is – with innumerable flavours of life. Book an accommodation with HeyHolidays and you could experience a destination in its true essence. From local homestays to local food to the amazing diversity of culture, we live in a world that never fails to surprise us – a world brought closer by HeyHolidays. Book an accommodation with these guys and you can truly savour the local charms of a place.
It’s A Hands-Down Solution To Impatience
Impatient with your partner? Impatient with your work? Sick of things not working out? Take a trip! Nothing beats the reality that travel snaps us back into. While travelling, we must adjust with the ways of the world – from waiting in queues at different places to communicating with someone who does not know your language. A solo trip especially with help you realize that things don’t always work the way we want them to and a little patience goes a long way!
It’s A Gift Of Dreams
One of the biggest perks of travelling is getting to complete your bucket list. From sleeping in a tent to eating cockroaches to attending a traditional Japanese wedding, you can do it all. Travelling helps one conceive a go-getter mind-set and this in turn helps you accomplish those long pending desires. Go visit a new place and know what it is really like to live your life on your own terms. Remember as Adam Siddiq said, “Traveling is one of the easiest ways to become aware of the magic that weaves all of creation together through serendipity and synchronicity with perfect timing.”
It’s A Guide To The Personality You Dreamt Of
Always dreamt of being that confident, happy-go lucky self who is always ready to take on the world? Well, travelling is your ticket to confidence as well as independence. While travelling, you will have to face an amazing variety of situations – some of which may be pretty horrible – but you will learn to keep your stead and act with confidence. Travelling is a huge plus for introverts – it will open you like you never imagined. You will be for care-free and yet aware of a wide diversity of consequences that can arise. It will fill you up with an enormous amount of self-confidence which is often needed to handle alien situations.
The benefits of travelling are countless. The biggest one, though, we think is that you will realize every culture and community is same in spite of the characteristic differences. Humans across the world have the same aspirations and needs and they all connect on the same level. It will also make you realize the value of your home.
So, don’t waste time and start packing your bags. Remember,
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine